This paper describes a three-screen television system using a block recovery rate\n(BRR)-based unequal error protection (UEP). The proposed in-home wireless network uses scalable\nvideo coding (SVC) and UEP with forward error correction (FEC) for maximizing the quality of service\n(QoS) over error-prone wireless networks. For efficient FEC packet assignment, this paper proposes a\nsimple and efficient performance metric, a BRR which is defined as a recovery rate of temporal and\nquality layer from FEC assignment by analyzing the hierarchical prediction structure including the\ncurrent packet loss. It also explains the SVC layer switching scheme according to network conditions\nsuch as packet loss rate (PLR) and available bandwidth (ABW). In the experiments conducted, gains\nin video quality with the proposed UEP scheme vary from 1 to 3 dB in Y-peak signal-to-noise ratio\n(PSNR) with corresponding subjective video quality improvements.